Hi there! We are so excited that you are ready to learn Spanish! We can think of nothing better to invest in your future than to speak the language of your neighbors, your community, your travel destination, your clients, or your patients. We have a few options: group classes or private tutoring.

  1. For the group classes, we start new beginner sessions every August and January and they last 16 weeks.  We have two downtown locations in Indianapolis and an online option. The cost may vary per location but begins at $340 for the entire 16-week session.
  1. We also offer private classes that can begin whenever you are ready that can be in person or online, whichever is your preference, and scheduling can usually be pretty flexible. There is a great advantage to learning in a private setting. You will set the pace of the instruction and you will also determine the style of the lessons. Since everyone learns differently, this means you will maximize the hour of Spanish learning. The cost of those sessions begin at $50 but decrease if you purchase a package of 12 sessions ($575)  or 24 sessions ($1100).

Whichever method you decide, we know you will not regret your decision to learn Spanish. It is a great investment as it unlocks a whole new world of culture, travel, opportunity, and connection with those around us. Please let us know whatever questions you have regarding our program and how we can further be of assistance. Contact us to sign up.

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